CentOS Stream Kernel Documentation
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Create a Merge Request for z-stream

Merge requests for z-stream can be created by following instructions for creating a merge request against a specific branch.

Merge Requests against a specific branch can be created by doing

	git checkout <target branch name> # ie) 8.2 for example
	git checkout -b <local_branch_name>

and making changes on local_branch_name. Before modifying code users should read CommitRules and verify the MR information.

Merge requests can be created by pushing code to their fork and targeting <target_branch_name>

	git push -u <fork_name> <branch_name>
	lab mr create --remove-source-branch <origin> <target branch name>

The last command will output the Merge Request URL that contains the Merge Request ID.

It is strongly recommended lab users use the _lab mr create --draft option to pass the webhook checks, and when successful, remove the Draft status on the MR with

	lab mr edit <mrID> --ready


  1. I made a mistake and forgot to specify the target_branch_name ie) I executed lab mr create <origin> instead of lab mr create <origin> <target branch name>. How do I clean this up?

This is easy to fix. Simply execute

	lab mr edit <mrID> --target-branch <target_branch_name>